Parents’ Council
St Joseph’s is forever indebted to the many parents who serve on our Parents’ Council and get involved in various fundraising efforts throughout the year. We appreciate their time, energy, support and expertise.
The function of the Parents’ Council is to represent the views and interests of parents with regard to education and assists parents in exercising their rights and role in the education of their children.
Parent engagement matters. Study after study has shown us that student achievement improves when parents play an active role in their children’s education and that good schools become better when parents are involved. It is recognised that parent engagement is a key factor in the enhancement of student achievement and well-being.
The support and contribution of parents to our school is immense and we have been fortunate that so many parents have come forward to work on behalf of the parent body to identify areas for development and improvement in our school.
You can contact the Parents’ Council via the email here: mercyparentscouncil24(at)